The goal of the North Carolina Diabetes Research Center (NCDRC) is to increase the impact of the already important diabetes research ongoing at Duke University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T State), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), and Wake Forest School of Medicine (WF).
Each institution has rich resources and outstanding investigators, and the NCDRC represents a timely opportunity to enhance interactions among these research communities, and expand unique capabilities at each site to their neighboring campuses.
The mission of the NCDRC is to provide investigators, both established in or new to diabetes research, access to powerful research technologies to enhance the impact of their work, as well as to connect investigators with collaborators, both at intra- and inter-institutional levels, to broaden the scope of their projects.
To be considered eligible to apply for P&F funding, independent investigators holding faculty appointments at the participating NCDRC institutions have to fit into one of the following four categories:
New investigators that have no current or past R01-level NIH research support, or equivalent VA or Foundation support, as a PD/PI, as per the NIH policy on Early Career Investigators.
Established investigators new to diabetes research: these investigators have to demonstrate that they have not had previous funding/work in diabetes and provide a letter of intent explaining how they plan to apply their expertise to a problem related to diabetes (basic mechanisms of diabetes or diabetes-related complications or co-morbidities).
Established investigators in diabetes: a subset of awards will be allocated to investigators already well-established in the diabetes field and that propose to test innovative ideas embodying a clear departure from ongoing research interests.
Research method or technology advancement: investigators developing new research techniques or novel technologies that could be used in a DRC Core facility will also be considered for P&F funding.
2023 NCDRC Pilot Recipients
Robert Newman, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Biology
NC A&T State University
“Novel Biomarker Signatures of Kidney Injury in DKD”
Mollie Wood, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine
“Use of Antidepressant Medications in Pregnancy and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Emulation of a Target Randomized Controlled Trial Using Insurance Claims Data”
Goufang Zhang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine
“Sexual Dimorphism in a Novel Muscle-Liver Pathway for BCAA Metabolism”
Successful pilots will receive up to $50,000 in direct costs for one year.
Letter of Intent:
August 25, 2023
Full Application (if requested):
October 25, 2023
Project Start Date:
April 1, 2024
Contact Brittney Patterson at