Pilot Recipients
2022 Awardees
Amish Asthana, PhD
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
“Artificial Mitochondrial Transfer for Preserving Islet Health Post-Isolation”
Diego Bohórquez, PhD
Duke University School of Meidicne
“Gut-Brain Neurotransmission for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes”
Sally Ong, PhD
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
“Intranasal Insulin for the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy”
2021 Awardees
Paul Grimsrud, PhD
Duke University
School of Medicine
“Investigating New Roles for the Mitochondrial Kinase PDK4 in Liver Metabolism”
Nilu Goonetilleke, PhD
UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine
”Avidity and Metabolism of Autoreactive CD8 T Cells Contribute to Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)”
Morgana Mongraw-Chaffin, PhD
Wake Forest School of Medicine
”Meals for Moms: A Postpartum Medically-Tailored Meal Program to Promote Weight Loss and Blood Glucose Control Among Women with Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy”
2020 Awardees
Damaris Lorenzo, PhD
UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine
"A Molecular Mechanism of Beta-cell Protein Quality Control and Cell Survival”
Laura Cox, PhD
Wake Forest School of Medicine
”Analysis of Gene Expression in Diabetic Foot Ulcers by Spatial Transcriptomics
Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD
UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine
“Isoenergetic High Intensity Interval Training and Moderate Intensity Training in Adults with Type I Diabetes”
2019 Awardees
PI: Sriram Machineni
UNC Chapel Hill
Co-PI: Herman Pontzer
Duke University
“Mechanisms of Metformin-induced Weight Loss in Individuals with Impaired Glucose Tolerance”
PI: Shyam Aravamudhan
Co-PI: Michael Olivier
Wake Forest
“Development of Nanosensors for Diagnosis of Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) and Associations between Susceptibility Genes and Biomarkers of Kidney Injury“
2018 Awardees
PI: Jenny Tong
Duke University
Co-PI: Jamy Ard
Wake Forest
“Tissue Iron Levels as a Determinant of Bariatric Surgery Outcomes”
PI: Shannon Macauley
Wake Forest
Co-PI: Jessica Han
“Iron Overload in the Pathogenesis of Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease: Untangling the web of nutritional interactions”
Publication: Rubinow DA, Sink S, Odelade A, Golias C, Snipes A, Day SM, McClain DA, Han J, Macauley SL. Genetic and Dietary Iron Overload in the Pathogenesis of Type-2-Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, 2019.
Kennita Johnson
UNC Chapel Hill
Marwan Bikdash
“Assessment of Diabetic Kidney Disease in Non-Human Primates by Contrast - Enhanced Ultrasound and Metabolomics Profiling”
Mark Herman
Michael Olivier
Wake Forest